29 January 2019 - Announcing the First Congress of VITARES, Veterinary Immunotherapy and Translational Research - 27 February-1 March 2019, Castel Romano, Rome.

29 January 2019 - Announcing the First Congress of VITARES, Veterinary Immunotherapy and Translational Research - 27 February-1 March 2019, Castel Romano, Rome.

Public health initiatives such as One Health demonstrate the growing awareness of the fact that animal and human health are strongly interconnected with each other and with the environment.

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7 Apr 2017: VITARES Visiting PennVet, Philadelphia, USA

7 Apr 2017: VITARES Visiting PennVet, Philadelphia, USA

Dr Luigi Aurisicchio, President at VITARES, is very happy to visit the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (PennVet). This can be a great opportunity of collaboration in the field of Cancer Vaccines and their application for Pets, looking at a near-future in Human Immuno-Oncology.

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7 July 2017 - VITARES and Takis to host Prof.Luigina Romani for a lecture on the Regulation of anti-infectious immunity by microbial metabolites

7 July 2017 - VITARES and Takis to host Prof.Luigina Romani for a lecture on the Regulation of anti-infectious immunity by microbial metabolites

We are proud to host Prof. Luigina Romani and are very keen to learn about new discoveries done in her laboratory.

Prof. Romani is one of the top scientists in Italy and received a number of awards and honors.

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