Coronavirus, ok to preclinical tests for an Italian vaccine

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Takis, a biotech company located in Castel Romano, near Rome, announces that it is going to test its Covid-19 vaccine on pre-clinical models. The authorization comes from the Italian Ministry of Health and represents the first step in bringing the vaccine to human use. Takis researchers are the only ones in Italy and the first in Europe to access this phase of the experimentation.

Covid-19 more contagious than Sars: Why does it spread so fast?

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The greatest danger of Covid-19 is its high contagiousness, which is leading to the collapse of our health system in the most affected regions. Although this virus is similar to that of Sars, it also has unique characteristics, thanks to which it spreads much faster.

Malaria, towards an effective vaccine by 2025

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One year after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the first doses of the vaccine were administered. For other infectious diseases, however, dozens of years of research were not enough to create a completely effective vaccine.

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