While concern about the new Chinese coronavirus is growing in the world, the race for the vaccine has already begun. And Italian research is also ready to make its contribution: the biotech company Takis, located in the science park of Castel Romano near Rome, has announced its effort to develop a genetic vaccine against 2019-nCov.

Mentre nel mondo cresce la preoccupazione per il nuovo coronavirus che ha colpito la Cina, la corsa al vaccino è già iniziata. E anche la ricerca italiana è pronta a dare il suo contributo: l’azienda biotech Takis, situata nel parco scientifico di Castel Romano vicino a Roma, ha annunciato il suo impegno per realizzare un vaccino genetico contro 2019-nCov.

After the bats, snakes and minks, now the pangolin is under accusation: it could have been responsible for the transmission of the Chinese coronavirus to humans. Research published on the Guangzhou University website shows that the genetic sequences of the virus isolated from the pangolin are 99% similar to those of the virus that is circulating among people. The hypothesis is still to be confirmed, but Nature defines it at least "plausible".